Introducing SmartHide Technology: Where Flexibility Meets Functionality

We’re excited to unveil our latest innovation: SmartHide Technology. This new feature is set to transform how reports are created, presented, and interpreted, offering unprecedented flexibility when producing your Headteacher’s report.

SmartHide Technology was created out of feedback indicating the need for more customizable and less cluttered reports.  You wanted the ability to focus solely on the information that matters most, without the noise of irrelevant sections.


Download a sample here


How SmartHide Technology Works

SmartHide Technology redefines flexibility in reporting. It automatically detects and hides any sections of the report that are not populated with data. This means that if a particular segment of the report doesn’t apply to your school or the specific timeframe, it won’t appear in the final document. The result? Cleaner, more concise reports that are tailored to the unique needs and highlights of your school.


Benefits of SmartHide Technology

1. Tailored Reporting: Each report you generate will be as unique as your school, focusing solely on the data and sections relevant to your current needs.

2. Time Savings: Spend less time sifting through unnecessary information and more on analyzing the data that truly matters.

3. Enhanced Readability: Reports are easier to read and understand, both for school staff and external stakeholders, ensuring that key insights don’t get lost in the clutter.


Putting SmartHide Technology into Action

Imagine preparing your end-of-term report. Instead of manually adjusting which sections appear, SmartHide Technology does the work for you. Not using the parent survey section this term? It automatically stays out of sight, allowing the spotlight to shine on academic achievements, attendance, and other areas you’ve focused on. This intelligent feature adapts to your school’s evolving priorities, ensuring that every report is a perfect reflection of your term’s achievements.

We’re excited for you to experience the benefits of SmartHide Technology and look forward to hearing how it transforms your reporting process.

For more information please download a free sample report or book an overview webinar


Published: 22nd March 2024

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